Surgery was four weeks ago today. I'm really happy with the progress. I can smile! My lips on the left side are still pretty paralyzed but as you can see my cheek is rising! My eye is coming back slowly but surely although I am still taping it shut at night. The sides of my face are definitely still tender and actually kinda stiff and numb. I would really like a back massage but there's absolutely no way I could put my face in that hole in a table. Who likes to really do that anyway…
I get a lot of tingles like I'm getting stuck with pins but that only means the nerves are receiving and sending signals! It's weird because my face will get a pain in it and I will go to touch it and I can't feel my touch but it makes the pain go away. Does that make any sense at all? They said it will take a little while for the numbness to go away because my skin had to be separated from my face. (Eww.)
I have a follow-up appointment on 27th of January where I might get some Botox injections to relax the right side a little more. It all depends on what the doctor and I think.
I am putting make up on again, I am dressing up again, I am feeling more confident which all brings tears of joy.…
Crap, there goes my eye make up!
PS- it took me a long time to decide to actually post this photo because you may not see anything wrong with it but I do. But it's important for me to put it out there for those of you who are hiding in your bell tower.
You are beautiful Mia, I hope you see it. The glimmer in your eye, the soft shade of your skin and the natural wave of your hair (not to mention your positive personality). I never realized you had this ailment - but really glad you are fixing it since it made you sad. Truly, you are beautiful - happy to see the smile and hear you are shedding tears of joy.